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October 1, 2016 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
$195PTs as EXERCISE & MOVEMENT Specialists (not hot packs, not modalities, not massage, not etc.)
There will be multiple speakers at this interactive Symposium.
The earliest documented origins of physical therapy as a profession dates back to 1813 in Sweden founded by Per Henrik Ling, the “Father of Swedish Gymnastics”. The Swedish word for physical therapist is sjukgymnast meaning someone involved in gymnastics for those who are ill.
Now replace the word “gymnastics” with “exercise & movement” and we have just defined our profession. Why do we then focus so much on electrical modalities, gizmos, gadgets, etc. for those who are ill?
Our divergence from the origin of our profession may be harming our image among the public and MDs. Therefore, the primary goal of the presenters at this Symposium is to provide the irrefutable evidences and PRACTICAL skills to PTs to once again reclaim ourselves as…
“Exercise and movement specialists for those who are ill”
Bahram Jam, PT “Our past, present and future as exercise & movement specialists” &
“How every movement or lack of movement changes the brain!” & “Intro to Motivational Interviewing”
Nina Hovanec, PT, PhD “Physiotherapists: hidden gems in exercise prescription for health promotion, disease prevention and management”
Denys Leclaire, PT “Moving in the right direction» for the future of our profession: becoming posture and neuro-muscular balance specialists to improve movement…
Avinoam Nativ, PT, PhD “Movement as a vital sign in orthopaedics and neuro-rehabilitation”
Folarin Babatunde, PT, PhD “Building therapeutic alliance & maximizing compliance to exercises we prescribe”
Maggie Bergeron, PT “You can prescribe the best exercise on the world, if they don’t do it it’s useless! Change habits!”