The Nocebo Effect

The Nocebo effect is at least partially responsible for the pain and suffering experienced by millions of people. Words spoken by a doctor or a therapist can have profoundly negative impact on [...]


Is Pain Contagious?

This incredible study published in the Journal of Pain demonstrated that pain can be experienced just by observing others. They gave non-painful electrical stimuli (like a gentle TENS) to the [...]


PAIN: The Musical

Evolutionary, pain is not meant to be just turned off, yet that remains the primary focus of modern medicine. Instead, we need to help patients access their ability to become more resilient where [...]


Pain Asymbolia

When the central nervous system (CNS) (brain & spinal cord neurons) become sensitized, it is referred to as “central sensitization” which is a term I’ve used frequently for over a decade now [...]


Breathing & Pain!

 “Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life” – Giovanni Papini   There is no question that acute pain influences the way we breathe. You don’t believe me, just bang your thumb with a hammer [...]