Imagine you’re driving and approach an intersection where you’ve encountered a red light. Your brain has learned that red lights mean “stop” because moving forward could lead to danger. [...]
When we think about the emotions tied to chronic pain, the usual suspects come to mind: depression, anxiety, anger, and grief. But there’s one sneaky emotion that doesn’t get enough [...]
Going along with Pain! Reference: Alan Watts Alan Watts, an English philosopher from the ’60s and ’70s, is someone I deeply respect. In this issue of the APTEI Report, I’d like to [...]
Please listen to this MUSIC as you follow along with the lyrics below. This is from PAIN: The Musical that I hope you will one day experience live in theatre. We know full well that we don`t mind [...]
This study involved almost 1500 patients living with chronic low back pain (CLBP) and not surprisingly they found that… “…physician empathy was strongly associated with satisfaction among [...]
Have you ever fed a baby and pretended to eat their food and say, “yum, delicious”, in order to manipulate them to eat thinking that the food is delicious. This phenomenon is not experienced just [...]
Do you know that a systematic review by the World Health Organization (WHO) has shown that a sense of loneliness is worse for one’s health than smoking 14 cigarettes a day? Did you know [...]
Let’s be clear that placebo effects are REAL and potentially as beneficial as “active” treatments in both short and long-term. Placebos are considered to be a conditioned response, where the [...]
“I’m afraid that exercise will make my pain worse as every time I try it, I pay for it for a few days afterwards” – A person dealing with chronic pain Before judging patients with chronic pain as [...]
To replace the label chronic unexplained pain, in the 1980’s the concept of central sensitization was proposed, then the 2010’s the term nociplastic pain became more popular and in the 2020’s we [...]