Imagine you’re driving and approach an intersection where you’ve encountered a red light. Your brain has learned that red lights mean “stop” because moving forward could lead to danger. [...]
It is insanity that despite the lack of evidence for its efficacy and the overwhelming evidence of the potential harms of opioids, still 40% of patients with low back or neck pain who visit their [...]
Did your mother ever tell you to sit up or stand up tall? Why? Was she a physio? We have the tendency to blame posture for many of our patients’ problems because posture is a really low hanging [...]
This systematic review supports the use of neural mobilizations / flossing. “… with large effects of pain and disability in people with LBP” – Neto et al 2016 My favourite neural mob exercise to [...]
This information based on a webinar by Dr. Jack Callaghan. For the past 10 years, prolonged sitting has been blamed to be the leading cause of obesity and death! However, this study looked at [...]
Since there are literally over a hundred physical examination techniques for the lumbar spine, I know that assessing a patient with low back pain (LBP) can be quite challenging. However, I want [...]
For decades, healthcare providers such as PTs have been advising people with low back pain (LBP) to sit up tall, not slouch, not twist, and to avoid excessive lumbar flexion. Sadly after decades [...]
After an acute painful soft-tissue injury, why do some fully recover while others go on to develop persistent pain despite the resolution of the original injury? That is certainly a complex [...]
Over the last several decades, the use of opioids has increased dramatically as millions of adults are prescribed long-term opioid therapy for their chronic pain. Due to their potential adverse [...]
I have heard of PTs who are adamant about ultra-sounding patients with acute & chronic low back pain (LBP). Do some just wish to ignore conclusions by the Cochrane review board? “The evidence [...]