Adhesive Capsulitis PT vs Cortisone
Reference:Blanchard V et al The effectiveness of corticosteroid injections compared with physiotherapeutic interventions for adhesive capsulitis: a systematic review. Physiotherapy. 2010 Jun;96(2):95-107.
This systematic review looked at 6 RCTs and concluded that corticosteroid injections have greater effect in the short term (6 weeks) compared with physiotherapeutic interventions with respect to pain, disability and external rotation ROM. However, the benefits of injections decrease over time (i.e. after 6 and 12 months)
What can we learn from this systematic review? In the short-term, corticosteroid injection can be beneficial for those with adhesive capsulitis and may actually be more effective than PT alone!
Personal Comment: My patients have been grateful when I have referred them to see a Sports MD to get an injection. Sports MDs don’t require a referral, are good at injections and can be seen within 1-2 weeks, and work along with PTs in many sport clinics.
(Patients are so grateful when they can finally sleep through at night following the injection!)
Posted on: April 09, 2012
Categories: Shoulder