An Effective Method of Evaluating Gluteus Maximus Control!
This is an easy and practical method of evaluating gluteus maximus timing and motor control.
Step #1: In prone lying ask the patient for permission to palpate their gluteus maximus with your thumbs.
Step #2: Ask the patient to squeeze their buttocks together and VERY SLOWLY contract the muscles.
Step #3: Palpate the rate and timing of the contraction with your thumb or fingers. Look for significant asymmetry between sides. Look for an obvious delay in activation on one side relative to the other side.
Step #4: Ask the patient to now SLOWLY relax the muscles.
Step #5: Palpate the rate and timing of the �??letting go�?? with your thumb or fingers. Look for significant asymmetry between sides. Look for a quick and uncontrolled relaxation on one side relative to the other side.
Step #6: Repeat the above process 2-3 more times and look for consistent delay and poor control of the gluteus maximus on one side relative to the opposite side.
Posted on: October 15, 2004
Categories: Hip