Aquatic worth getting wet for!
Reference:1. Baena-Beato P� et al Aquatic therapy improves pain, disability, quality of life, body composition and fitness in sedentary adults with chronic low back pain. Clin Rehabil. 2014 Apr;28(4):350-60.
2.Waller B1, et al Therapeutic aquatic exercise in the treatment of LBP: a systematic review. Clin Rehabil. 2009 Jan;23(1):3-14.
I am impressed by the number of studies supporting aquatic-therapy for so many conditions. It seems like being in water can really be beneficial, it’s just hard getting people into the water in the first place.
This recent study demonstrated that patients with chronic low back pain had significant improvements in fitness levels, pain and disability when compared to the wait list group.
The patients attended 2 months of intensive aquatic therapy classes five times a week.
A systematic review quote, “There was sufficient evidence to suggest that therapeutic aquatic exercise is potentially beneficial to patients suffering from chronic low back pain and pregnancy-related low back pain.” (Baena et al 2009)
Clinical Relevance: If your patients are serious about recovery and don’t mind getting into a pool, have them seriously consider aquatic therapy. The evidence certainly supports it.
Personal Comment: Two years ago I recommended a 75 year old Scottish gentleman with lumbar stenosis and a great sense of humour to consider aquatherapy. He complied and went twice a week, and two years later he is still going.
I told him that I was so impressed that he was still going to the pool as most men quit seeing that the classes are filled with women. He responded with his thick Scottish accent, “Are you kidding me? That’s the reason I go, hahaha!”
A couple of months ago I experienced various manual therapy techniques in a warm pool done on me by Connie Jasinskas (an Exercise Physiologist). I must admit that I was very impressed by the way I felt after having my joint moved around in the water. Too bad a warm pool is not feasible in every physio clinic. If you are interested in practicing aquatic manual therapy, you can visit:
Posted on: July 03, 2015
Categories: Relevant Physical Therapy Articles