Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?Physiotherapy Effective!

Reference:Reference: Powell P, Bentall R, Nye F, Edwards R 2001. Randomised controlled trial of patient education to encourage graded exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome. British Medical Journal 322: 1-5

124 patient diagnosed with ?Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? were randomly allocated into four groups:

Group #1: Standard medical care, which included: Advice and an information booklet that that encouraged graded activity and positive thinking

Group #2: As above plus two individualized face-face sessions (90 min each) including a graded exercise program individualized to the subjects abilities

Group #3: As above plus seven telephone contacts over 3 months

Group #4: As above plus seven more face-to-face treatment sessions over 3 months

Result:After one year, groups 2,3 and 4 had dramatically less fatigue and greater physical function than the standard medical care group. (p<0.001)

But: There was no significant differenced among Group 2,3 and 4

Clinical Relevance: Advice and a graded exercise program individualized for a patient is highly beneficial for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Clinical Relevance #2: Two treatment/educational sessions (totalling 3 hours) was sufficient, as more treatment did not appear to be of any more benefit.

Posted on: July 21, 2002

Categories: Relevant Physical Therapy Articles

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