Foot Type & Risk of Injury
Reference:Tong JW, Kong PW. Association Between Foot Type and Lower Extremity Injuries: Systematic Literature Review With Meta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2013 Jun 11.
In the past number of decades health care professionals and the general public have been convincingly made to believe that foot pronation is “evil” so the shoe companies saw great opportunities in “fixing” flat footed people by making supportive high arch shoes.
(That’s my left flat foot by the way.)
This paper looked at 29 relevant studies and concluded that “High arch and flat-foot foot types are associated with lower extremity injuries but the strength of this relationship is low.”
It seems like review papers can “cherry pick” the studies they include as there are some studies that see absolutely no link between foot type and injuries.
Posted on: September 26, 2013
Categories: Foot & Ankle