Intrinsic Foot Muscle (IFM) Retraining Ideas
You may be asking so how does one strengthen the IFM? Here are 5 simple suggestions.
#1. Choose minimally supportive and flat shoes and regularly walk on uneven grounds e.g. grass or sand. Start with a few minutes only, and then gradually build up your tolerance.
#2. In standing, activate the IFM by “shortening your foot” / increase your medial longitudinal arch without curling your toes.
#3. Activate the IFM in standing then lean forward with your body and have your toes prevent you from falling on your face. Hold for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.
#4. Activate the IFM and stand on one leg and balance, eyes open and eyes closed
#5. Jog for 1-5 minutes in bare feet or minimally supportive flat shoes then gradually increase your time.
Posted on: March 10, 2014
Categories: Foot & Ankle