Pelvic Floor Muscles or Abdominals?

Reference:Sapsford R, Hodges P, Richardson C, Cooper D, Markwell S, Jull G 2001 Co-activation of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles during voluntary exercises. Neurological Urodynamics (20)1: 31-42

Seven asymptomatic females volunteered for this study that ?

1) Measured EMG activity of the pelvic floor (PF) muscles during voluntary abdominal contractions (transversus abdominis).

2) Measured EMG activity of the abdominals during voluntary pelvic floor contractions

Study Conclusion: The pelvic floor muscles and the transversus abdominis work synergistically together.

Clinical Relevance: When ?core stability? is required for lumbo-pelvic pain, retraining the pelvic floor muscles may be as effective as specific transversus abdominis retraining.

Clinical Relevance #2: When treating for stress urinary incontinence, retraining the transversus abdominis may be as effective as pelvic floor retraining.

Posted on: January 25, 2002

Categories: Lumbar Spine , SI & Pelvis

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