Risk Factors for the onset of Non-specific Neck Pain: Bad News for PTs!
Reference:McLean SM, et al Risk factors for the onset of non-specific neck pain: a systematic review. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2010; 64(7):565-572.
Who is at risk of developing non-traumatic neck pain?
This systematic review set out to answer this exact question. The following 7 factors were linked to the development of non-specific / non-traumatic neck pain.
- Female gender
- Older age
- High job demands
- Low social/work support
- Being an ex-smoker
- A history of low back disorders
- A history of neck disordersClinical Challenge:
This epidemiological study may be disheartening for many of us. No matter how amazing our manual therapy techniques, needling techniques, muscular training exercises are, we are unable to influence the top 7 risk factors affecting the recurrence rate!
Posted on: December 27, 2010
Categories: Cervical Spine