Physiotherapist: Darien Lazowski-Fraher, PT, MSc, PhD
Clinic: Neuphysio Rehabilitation
Address: Suite A - 131 Wharncliffe Rd S, LONDON, ON, ON
Tel: 519-434-3881
Fax: 519-434-3887
- Whiplash Associated Disorders
- Vestibular / Vertigo Disorders
- Temporo-mandibular Disorders
- Geriatric / Seniors Physical Therapy
- Chronic Pain Management (e.g. Fibromyalgia, CRPS)
Post-graduate Clinical Training / Qualifications:
1. Myofascial Release for the Cervical Spine Jennings, Jun 1998, London, ON 2. International Conference on Care/Case Management at the Crossroads Dec 1998 San Diego CA Which Way to Quality, American Soc on Aging, 20 h professional training. 3. CranioSacral Therapy I, Upledger Institute, Mar 1999 London, ON 4. Lymphoedema Management LHSC, Dec 1999 London, ON 5. Relationship Management Judy Carscadden CCAC Sep 2001 London, ON 6. Sahrmann Muscle Imbalance Theory Level I, Oct 2001 Toronto, ON 7. Sahrmann Muscle Imbalance Theory Level II, Oct 2002 Toronto, ON 8. Conflict Management Skills for Women (SkillPath Seminars) Sep 2003 London, ON 9. Excelling as a First Time Manager or Supervisor (SkillPath Seminars) Sep 2003 London, ON 10. ADP Centralized Equipment Pool Training, Dec 2003 London, ON 11. Working with Diversity & Difference, Building Skills, Making a Difference, May 2005 , London, ON Training and Knowledge Exchange on Cultural Competence and Clinical Practise, COTA Health 12. Vestibular Rehabilitation, Bernard Tonks, Sep 2007 Woodstock, ON 13. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Challenges and Controversies in Research Feb 2011 Toronto, ON 14. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Challenges and Controversies in Diagnosis Feb 2012, Toronto, ON 15. Neuro-Optometric Rehab Level 1, Neuro-Optometric Rehab Assoc, Apr 2012, Memphis TN 16. Neuro-VisuoPostural Rehabilitation, William Padula, Apr 2012, Chicago IL 17. Challenges and controversies in mTBI: The science and clinical management of concussions Feb 2013 Toronto, ON 18. Bonefit Advanced, Osteoporosis Canada May 2013 Toronto, ON 19. Ekso Bionics, Level I Certification Jun 2013 London, ON 20. Ekso Bionics, Level II Certification Jan 2014 London, ON 21. EKSO Bionics PT Group Mtg, Adv. training Oct 2014 San Francisco, CA 22. Understanding/Managing Visual Deficits after Stroke Course Mar 2015 London, ON 23. Re-Walk Robotics ExoskeletonTraining/Certification Sep 2015 London, ON 24. Keeogo Exoskeleton Clinical Certification Jan 2016 London, ON 25. Keeogo Exoskeleton Advanced Certification May 2016 London, ON COURSES TAUGHT 1. Boning Up on Osteoporosis for Physiotherapists: 2 day course, 1997-2006, Ontario, Nova Scotia, PEI, NB (London, Toronto, Kitchener, Ottawa, Cape Breton, Halifax, Charlottetown, St. John). 2. Guide to the ADP Process and Seating Issues in Long-Term Care. Nov 2003 London, ON 3. Evidence-based Exercise Programs to Optimize Function, Muscle Strength Mobility and Balance in Long term care residents, full day course. May 2005 London, ON 4. In-services: several times/yr Back Care, Lifts & Transfers, Positioning, Wheelchairs and Gait Aids, Exercise for Frail Older Adults, TENS/IFC. 1996-2005 London, ON 5. Persistent Post Traumatic Neck Pain & mTBI: What is the relationship? Canadian Pain Society Conference Workshop - ½ day Course, May 2012 Whistler, BC 6. Persistent Post Traumatic Neck Pain & mTBI: What is the relationship? May 2012 Saskatoon, SK Canadian Physiotherapy Association ½ day Course Book: Body Basics for Bones: Beat Osteoporosis, Build Better Bones, Webb & Lazowski, first edition: 2001, second edition: 2006. Birchcliff Publ Book Chapter: Bone Health in Osteoporosis (chapter 6), Dr. D. A. Lazowski, Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging, AW Taylor, MJ Johnson Eds., Human Kinetics Publ, 2008 INVITED TALKS 1. Osteoporosis and Exercise. ElderExercise Course: Programming for the Frail Elderly. London, ON, May 1994 2. Outcome measures for research into physical activity in the elderly. III Erasmus Intensive Short Course (Erasmus Bureau of the European Union), September 1-5, 1994, Stirling, Scotland, UK. 3. Osteoporosis Prevention and Management. St. Joseph's Health Centre Women's Health Series, November 8, 1995, Central Library, London, ON. 4. Osteoporosis and Exercise. Learning Unlimited (Oxford) Lecture Series. October 23, 1996, Woodstock, ON 5. Exercise After Hip or Knee Replacement: Popular Mythconceptions. ElderExercise Course, The Centre for Activity and Ageing, November 2, 1996, London, ON 6. Osteoporosis and Exercise/Nutrition/Therapy, St. Joseph's Health Centre Women's Health Series, January 29, and May 28, 1997, London, ON 7. Exercise and Osteoporosis. September 22, 1997, London, ON. St. Joseph’s Health Centre Women’s Health Series and NOWW (New Opportunities in Wellness for Women) 8. Boning Up on Osteoporosis: How and when to maximize your bone mass. UWO Continuing Educ., Menopause: Making your change one for the better. November 1, 1997 9. Osteoporosis and Exercise. Osteoporosis Support Gp Mtg, St. Joseph’s Health Care, Nov 2000, London ON 10. Role of Physiotherapy in Osteoporosis, IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis, June 2006, Toronto, ON 11. Boning Up on Osteoporosis for Physiotherapists: Clinical Workshop. OPA Conference Apr 2004, Toronto, ON 12. Healthy Bones: Babies, Boomers and Beyond, Osteoporosis Canada Educ Conference, Mar 2010, London, ON 13. Physiotherapy in Long-Term Care (several times 2006-2013), for nursing students, Resident’s Council, Family Council, Mount Hope Centre for Long-Term Care, St. Joseph’s Health Care London 14. AbleBIONICS & Neuphysio Bionics Bootcamp, Ekso Bionics First Annual User Group Meeting, Oct 27-29, 2014, San Francisco, California 15. AbleBIONICS & Neuphysio Robotic Locomotor Training using Different Robotic Devices for Different Needs, Accessibility Innovations Showcase, Presentation and Demonstration, August 2015, Toronto, ON 16. AbleBIONICS & Neuphysio Physiotherapy role in locomotor training, North London Optimist Presentation and Demostration of EKSO & ReWalk. Jan 19, 2016