Physiotherapist: Lisa Vandenberk, PT(Reg)ONT, MScPT, BKin(Hon)
Clinic: LV Physiotherapy
Address: 26 Hiscott St., St. Catharines, ON
Tel: 905-321-4927
Fax: 905-988-9694
APTEI courses completed:
- Foot & Ankle Complex
- Workers Compensation Rehabilitation
- Whiplash Associated Disorders
- Sports Injuries Rehabilitation
- Neurological Disorders (e.g. MS, Parkinson's)
- Geriatric / Seniors Physical Therapy
- Chronic Pain Management (e.g. Fibromyalgia, CRPS)
- Cardio-vascular Rehabilitation
- Acupuncture / Needling
Post-graduate Clinical Training / Qualifications:
APTEI: Foot and Ankle Complex 2016; NDT Introductory Workshop in the Management of Adults with Stroke, Brain Injury and other Neuromotor Disorders 2015; Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment Workshop 2015; SMT-1: High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust Manipulation of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar & SI Joints – Spinal Manipulation Institute 2014; Dynamic Taping Workshop 2014; Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institutes’ AA2: Clinical Applications in Anatomical Acupuncture 2013; Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institutes’ AA1: Foundations of Anatomical Acupuncture 2012; The Core and Stability – What’s it all about 2012; Hemispheres® - The Stroke Competency Series 2012; Stroke Rehabilitation and Beyond Workshop 2012; Member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association 2010-2012, 2016; Manual Therapy: Clinical Integration Level 1 2011; Soft tissue release training workshop 2011; Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute’s Therapeutic taping course: Part 1 2010