Calcified Tendonitis?Ultrasound highly effective!
Reference:Edenbichler G et al 1999 Ultrasound therapy for calcified tendonitis of the shoulder. The New England Journal of Medicine. May 20;340(20):1533-8
A randomized, double blind study was conducted comparing Ultrasound treatments to placebo ultrasound on 61patients with painful calcified tendonitis of the shoulder!
Patients in the treatment group received within six weeks, 24- 15 minute sessions of pulsed ultrasound (frequency, 0.89MHz; intensity, 2.5 W per square centimeter; pulsed mode, 1:4).
Result:After 6 weeks of US, calcium deposits had resolved or decreased by at least 50% in half of the patients, as compared with no significant change in the placebo ultrasound group of patients (P=0.003)
Patients who received the real US treatments had greater decreases in pain and improvements in the quality of life than those who had received placebo US treatments.
Study Conclusion: Ultrasound treatments MAY help resolve tendon calcifications and improve symptoms associated with this persistent condition
Personal Comment:If you have never applied ultrasound for 15 minutes continuosly to one area…consider it for your next patient with calcified tendonitis.
Posted on: June 25, 2003
Categories: Shoulder