Cervical Manips vs. Mobs vs. Activator

Reference: Gemmell H, Miller P. Relative effectiveness and adverse effects of cervical manipulation, mobilisation and the activator instrument in patients with sub-acute non-specific neck pain: results from a stopped randomised trial. Chiropr Osteopat. 2010 Jul 9;18:20.

Although this was a study with a small sample size, I still found it interesting. Patients with chronic neck pain were randomly allocated to 6 treatments of:

Group 1: Cervical manipulations
Group 2: Cervical mobilizations
Group 3: The Activator instrument (a clicking device)Cervical

After 3, 6, and 12 months no differences among the groups were noted, only for the finding that the mobilization group had a significantly greater “Health Survey” questionnaire score.

Personal Comment: Based on this small study and other papers, I prefer cervical mobs over manips for the simple reason that I find mobs more effective!

Posted on: July 05, 2011


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