Cervical Strength Training & Stabilization Exercises Better Than Just Stretching & Aerobic Exercises
This study randomly assigned 180 female office workers with chronic, nonspecific neck pain into 3 groups:
1) The endurance-training group performed dynamic neck exercises, which included lifting the head up from the supine and prone positions.
2) The strength-training group performed high-intensity neck strengthening and stabilization exercises with an elastic band
3) A control group / Aerobic and Stretching exercises only
Note: Both training groups did dynamic exercises for the shoulders and upper extremities with dumbbells. All groups were advised to do aerobic and stretching exercises regularly 3 times a week.
In a Nutshell: After 12 months, both strength and endurance training were significantly more effective in increasing ROM, decreasing pain and disability in women with chronic, non-specific neck pain.
On the other hand, basic stretching and aerobic exercising alone were much less effective than strength training.
Posted on: March 06, 2008
Categories: Cervical Spine