Could Your Diet be Potentially Contributing to Your Pain & Inflammation?
SOME individuals have reported having significant improvement in their pain and symptoms when they focus on an anti-inflammatory diet (i.e. eating foods that may help lessen inflammation) and do their best to minimize eating potentially inflammatory foods (i.e. foods that may increase inflammation). It?s important to appreciate that everyone is unique; for example many have no problems with having a glass of red wine, while some suffer from headaches and joint pain after drinking just one glass.
Try some of the suggestions below?you have nothing to lose, other than possibly feeling healthier! Remember, for an appropriate dietary evaluation, you should consult a Registered Dietician or a Naturopathic Doctor.
- Wheat, corn and white flour (e.g. cake, cookies, white bread, pasta, white rice)
- Dairy (e.g. ice cream)
- Too much processed meat (e.g. hamburger)
- Pork
- Refined sugars (e.g. chocolate bar, pop, doughnut)
- Peanuts
- Nightshade foods (e.g. tomatoes, eggplants. bell peppers and potatoes)
- Processed foods (e.g. cold cuts, sausages)
- Partially hydrogenated oils (e.g. read the label on margarine containers)
- Trans fats (i.e. read the label on ready made meals)
- Fried foods (e.g. fries & fried chicken)
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Foods with artificial colouring (read the label)
- Drinks with Aspartame (e.g. diet pops)
- Foods containing MSG (e.g. some Chinese food)POTENTIALLY ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS TO EAT
- Fresh vegetables (e.g. steamed broccoli, carrots, cauliflower)
- Fresh colorful fruits (e.g. berries, pomegranate, apples, pears)
- Sprouts (e.g. watercress, alfalfa)
- Whole grains (e.g. kamut, spelt, whole grain cereals)
- Adequate protein (e.g. wild salmon, eggs, tofu)
- Legumes (e.g. romano beans, red lentils, chick peas)
- Nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds, pistachios)
- Seeds (e.g. pumpkin, sunflower, flax)
- Water and herbal teas
- Fish oil (e.g. sardines, mackerel, fish oil capsules)
- Olive oil
- Flax seed oil
- Adequate salt intake (kosher or sea salt)
- Ginger / Fresh ginger Tea
- Turmeric (the spice)
- Coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil for cooking
Posted on: October 06, 2011
Categories: Modalities / Meds / Supplements