Diagnosing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Previously known as RSD)

Reference:Bruel S et al 1999 External validation of IASP diagnostic criteria for complex regional pain syndrome and proposed research diagnostic criteria. Pain 81; 147-154

Many clinicians find Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) a difficult condition to accurately diagnose.
However, if you remember the following three clinical diagnostic criteria, you can become more confident in your diagnosis.

Criteria #1: Persistent pain, which is disproportionate to the original injury

Criteria #2: During the subjective examination, the patient may report of:

1)Hyperesthesia (extra skin sensitivity)
2)Skin temperature and/or colour asymmetry
3)Swelling and or sweating of the effected limb
4)Decreased ROM and/or motor weakness

Criteria #3: During the objective examination, the patient may present with:

1)Pain with light touch (Hyperalgesia and/or allodynia)
2)Swelling and/or sweating asymmetry
3)Decreased ROM and/or motor weakness
4)Trophic changes in hair, nail and/or skin

Posted on: April 03, 2003

Categories: Fascinating Pain Studies

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