"Exercise is Medicine" Web Site
Reference:Frank E et al Physical activity levels and counseling practices of U.S. medical students. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Mar;40(3):413-21.
If there is one web site I would like to promote (outside of aptei.com of course) is the “Exercise is Medicine” site. I feel it must be mandatory reading for all PT students and practicing PTs.
When I was in physio school at U of Toronto, I remember noticing that hardly any of the PT students smoked (compared to the nursing, medical or engineering students). I also recall that the PT students appeared to be more physically active and were generally fit.
Although there is no PT study, but a study on MDs basically showed that fit doctors were more likely to prescribe exercise as an intervention.Considering the overwhelming number of studies supporting the benefits of exercise for over 40 health conditions, it is disappointing than only a third of MDs prescribed exercising during a patients visit.
The study found that MD students who were physically active were more likely to believe in and prescribe exercise to their patients. The active MDs also believed that exercise counselling coming from an active doctor is more credible and motivating to patients.
If you as a PT exercise/do moderate-vigorous physical activity at least 150 minutes a week, good for you. If you don’t, then I hope you visit the Exercise is Medicine web site and get inspired. I am a firm believer in practicing what you preach, especially when it comes to physical activity.
On a side note, I wish PTs were much better known to MDs and the public as “exercise specialists” instead of “modality specialists” …but we can save that rant for another day.
Posted on: August 23, 2014