Hand-held Devices & Pain!

Reference:Berolo S et al Musculoskeletal symptoms among mobile hand-held device users and their relationship to device use: A preliminary study in a Canadian university population. Appl Ergon. 2011 Jan;42(2):371-8. Epub 2010 Sep 15.

As I am promoting my App iPain101 I come across this study that makes me feel ‘guilty’ about encouraging the use of a hand-held device!

The study involved a population of university students, staff, and faculty where they assessed the potential relationship between mobile device use and musculoskeletal symptoms.

Basic Result #1: There was a direct and significant association between total time spent using a mobile device and pain in the base of the right thumb ?(no surprise!).

Basic Result #2: There was a direct and significant association between total time spent using a mobile device and pain in the right shoulder and neck.

Clinical Conclusion: Individuals who spend more than 4� hours a day on a mobile device are at a significant greater risk of developing thumb, shoulder and neck pain.

Personal Comment: Although the exact reason for the increased risk is unknown, I?ll take the liberty and hypothesize that those who spend 4-8 hours every day, repeatedly pushing teeny weenie buttons in order to text, play games, or surf the net may have other ?issues?!

E.g. a sedentary lifestyle where staying active and interrupting sustained postures is not high on their priority list.

Personal Advice: When you tell patients to download iPain101, tell them not to do the whole app in one day …spread the time. The iPain101 goal is to reduce pain, not increase it!!

Posted on: March 25, 2011

Categories: Cervical Spine , Wrist & Hand

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