‘Enough’ is a feast.
– Buddhist proverb
I fully realize that we are physios and traditionally we are to stick to just prescribing strengthening and ROM exercises, BUT how can these exercises be of any value if some of our patients are so emotionally distressed due to their pain and disability?
We are neither psychologists nor psychiatrists but we still have to somehow help our patients who are dealing with persistent pain.
Studies do show that conscious focus on blessings by making a gratitude list is beneficial to psychological and physical well-being.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” -Oprah Winfrey
If you wish to refer patients to a video, have them see “positive Experiences”. There are over 40 other short videos that are accessible on the Pain Truth app (iOS & Android).
Please do me a great favour and download the NEW Pain Truth app. If you have already done so, please upload it again and update it. There are several new features to the app and I encourage YOU to use it, even if you don’t have any pain or disability.
The app is free for a 1 week trial and after that there is a $9 one-time fee. The reason there is now a cost to the app is that patients are more likely to use it if they have invested something in it.
The 2 sections that I encourage you to use on a daily basis are “My positive Experiences” and “My Physical Activities”.
I know I am biased, but I think it is an excellent app, and if you agree, please rate it on the Apple store or Google play and give it «««««and write a short review.
Sadly most of the pain apps currently out there are “pain tracker” apps. Do we really want people tracking their pain on an hourly basis for weeks on end? Do we want them to bring us a graph of what their pain has looked like in the past month or year?
I humbly believe that pain tracker apps can actually lead to or even magnify central sensitization. On the other hand the Pain Truth app focuses on functional activities that they complete, no matter how small. I strongly suggest that you take 10 minutes to view my video explaining the app.
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
-Robert Brault