Lack of Exercise, BMI, Chronic Pain & The Solution

Reference:Nilsen TI, et al Physical exercise, body mass index, and risk of chronic pain in the low back and neck/shoulders: longitudinal data from the Nord-Trondelag Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 Aug 1;174(3):267-73. Epub 2011 Jun 1.

The second study study involved approximately 30,000 Norwegian women and men and investigated the association between physical exercise, BMI, and risk of chronic pain.

Surprize #1: For both females and males, hours of physical exercise per week were linearly and inversely associated with risk of chronic low back and neck/shoulders pain

Surprize #2: Obese women and men had an approximately 20% increased risk of chronic low back and neck/shoulders pain

Real Surprize #3: For those with a high BMI, exercising for just one hour per week compensated, to some extent, and reduced the risk of chronic pain

Clinical Relevance: Tell patients not to focus on weight loss, as just exercising without the weight loss has positive effects on health and on pain!

Posted on: October 06, 2011

Categories: Lumbar Spine , Relevant Physical Therapy Articles

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