This excellent review published in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy looked at 270 of the best quality studies on patella-femoral pain (PFP) and concluded that…
The risk factors for developing PFP include:
- Being a physically active female
- Specializing in a single sport (doubles the risk)
- Quadriceps weakness
The following are NOT risk factors for developing PFP:
- Height
- Body weight
- Foot posture (e.g. pes planus)
The following interventions were effective in treating PFP:
- Exercise therapy focused on progressive hip and knee strengthening
- Frequent exposure (daily) to activities that load the knees (i.e. running/walking) (Starting with short duration & low intensity of course)
- Patellar taping (In conjunction with exercise therapy)
- Pre-fabricated orthotics (In conjunction with exercise therapy)
The following interventions were NOT effective in treating PFP:
- Ultrasound
- Electrical stimulation
- Dry needling
- Spinal manipulation
Reference: Willy RW Patellofemoral Pain: Using the Evidence to Guide Physical Therapist Practice. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2019 Sep;49(9):631-632.