Leg Length Discrepancy...Is it a contributing factor to Mechanical Low Back Pain?

Reference: Friberg o. 1983 Clinical symptoms and biomechanics of limbar spine and hip joint in leg length inequality. Spine. (8);643-51

This study looked at the prevalence of leg length discrepancy (LLD) in 653 patients with chronic low back pain (LBP) and 359 asymptomatic subjects. The study concluded:

LLD of >5mm and >10mm was significantly more prevalent in LBP patients when compared to the asymptomatic subjects.

LLD of >15mm was significantly and dramatically more prevalent in LBP patients when compared to the asymptomatic subjects.

The study also suggested that some patients with chronic LBP and/or sciatica may benefit from a heel lift in the shorter leg; in particular those whose lifestyle involves spending much of their day on their feet?e.g. waitresses, soldiers, athletes, construction workers, etc.

Posted on: February 18, 2002

Categories: Lumbar Spine

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