More Evidence to Support Active Rehab for Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) Patients
Reference:Kankaanpaa M, Taimela S, et al.(1999) The efficacy of active rehabilitation in chronic low back pain. Effect on pain intensity, self-experienced disability, and lumbar fatigability Spine 24(10) 1034-42
59 patients with nonspecific CLBP were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of active rehab or to a passive control treatment (massage, thermal therapy)
Study Conclusion: The active progressive treatment program was significantly (P<0.05) more successful in reducing pain and self experienced disability even at 6 months and one-year follow-up
Study Conclusion #2: Lumbar endurance was significantly greater in the active rehab group than in the passive control treatment group at the 6 month follow-up, but not at the one-year follow-up
Clinical Relevance: Excellent randomized controlled study that supports requesting third party payers to approve a 12 week trial of active rehab for chronic LBP patients
Posted on: February 13, 2002
Categories: Lumbar Spine