To Manipulate or not to Manipulate?what is the answer?
Reference:Morton J.E. 1999 Manipulation in the treatment of acute low back pain. The journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. 7(4):182-189
A well designed randomized Australian study was completed to determine if the combination of lumbar manipulation with a stabilization exercise program is more effective than a stabilization exercise program on its own in the treatment of acute LBP
Result:The manipulation with exercise group had statistically significant greater improvements in disability, ROM and pain levels both short term (one week) and long term (3 months)
Study Conclusion: Patients with acute low back pain who receive lumbar manipulation (a traction manip) with an exercise program are likely to improve more than patients who receive only exercises
Personal Comment:This study does NOT conclude anything about the effectiveness of mobilizations to the lumbar spine in conjunction with an exercise program. The question still remains: Are manipulations more effective than mobilizations in the long term?….a potentially great PhD study!!
Posted on: February 16, 2002
Categories: Lumbar Spine