Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief Maneuver (CTS-RM)
Reference:: Manente et al 1999 A relief maneuver in carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle & Nerve (22):1587-1589
In an Italian study (Manente 1999), 112 hands with CTS of varying severity were studied in order to determine if a relationship exists between the CTS-RM and Nerve Conduction Studies results
(I) In the basic maneuver the affected hand is maintained with the palm up and the distal heads of metacarpal bones (excluding the first) are gently squeezed causing a slight adduction of digits II-V.
(II) When this is not enough to relieve symptoms, the palm is turned down and the digits III and IV are gently tractioned (still gently squeezing).
Result:In all hands with positive symptoms at the time of examination, the CTS-RM was successful in relieving either completely or partially the symptoms of pain & parasthesia
The basic maneuver was effective in 91% of the hands, and the tractioning of digits III and IV was also needed to cause improvements in the other 9%
In all the hands symptoms reappeared immediately after the end of CTS-RM
Important finding: The CTS-RM did not induce any improvement in the 12 patients with C6 or C7 cervical radiculopathy
Clinical Relevance: The CTS-RM is an accurate test for confirming the diagnosis of CTS. Perhaps if the patient does not respond to this CTS-RM, the cervical spine may be considered as a source of the symptoms.
Clinical Relevance #2: The CTS-RM may be taught to patients to temporarily relieve symptoms during exacerbation periods at nights?perhaps taping is an option for CTS
Posted on: February 16, 2002
Categories: Wrist & Hand