Predicting Impingement Syndrome
Reference:Clarsen B, et al Reduced glenohumeral rotation, external rotation weakness and scapular dyskinesis are risk factors for shoulder injuries among elite male handball players: a prospective cohort study. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Sep;48(17):1327-33.
This study involved over 2000 Norwegian elite handball players and showed that the prevalence of shoulder problems in the 2011-2012 season was 28% (which was pretty high). Pre-season screening showed that the risk of developing shoulder pain could be best predicted by the following 3 findings.
i) Obvious scapular dyskinesis (meaning on abduction the scapula winged, tipped or just lacked control)
ii)Reduced external rotation strength (as measured in 0� abduction)
iii) Reduced total ROM into medial and lateral rotation (as measured in 90� abduction)
Clinical Relevance: This is not the only study that has demonstrated the above mentioned 3 risk factors. It is hypothesized that by addressing these factors we may help reduce the risk of development of shoulder pain among athletes involved in overhead activities such as tennis, volleyball, baseball, etc.
Clinical application: The challenge is guys typically workout the biceps, the pecs and the lats and hardly ever do any lateral rotation exercises at the gym. Basically their thought process is girls don’t dig big supraspinatuses. I?ve never heard anyone say, did you see his rotator cuffs? Man they were defined!
Let’s get back on topic here: I really like this lateral rotation exercise as it kills three birds with one stone …no door knob required.
By wrapping the band around the shoulder (see image), the band helps to facilitate humeral posterior glide, keeps the scapula posteriorly tipped (not slouched) and gives plenty of resistance to perform the lateral rotation.
Ensure to spend 5-10 seconds during the eccentric phase.
A burn will surely be felt. Based on a few studies, at least one risk factor for the development of impingement can be addressed!
Posted on: December 22, 2014
Categories: Shoulder