What do Chiropractors & PTs have in Common?
Reference:Dr. Greg Lehman, DC, PT presented at APTEI Symposium 2014
In case you could not attend the 2014 APTEI Symposium in Toronto, Dr. Greg Lehman was one of the five excellent presenters.
Greg holds a research masters in spine biomechanics and has worked with Stuart McGill at the University of Waterloo. Wishing to be a more hands on clinician, he completed Chiropractic school and questioned some of the biomechanical theories he was being taught (…he was therefore not very liked at Chiro school!)
Seeking greener pastures he entered the Physical Therapy program at Queen?s university and continued to question many of the biomechanical and manual therapy concepts presented in various textbooks and being taught (…again he was not very liked at PT school!)
I urge you to take 35 minutes to listen to his presentation via the attached link.
WARNING, it is not for the faint of heart and not for those with strong biomechanical beliefs.
If you believe ribs go out …listen to him.
If you believe SI joints go out …listen to him.
If you believe patients need isolated transverses abdomins training in order to get better …listen to him.
If you believe that patients with low back pain must strictly avoid flexion activities …listen to him.
Sincerely, Bahram Jam, PT
Posted on: November 12, 2014
Categories: Relevant Physical Therapy Articles