Shoulder & Pelvic Floor & Balance
Reference:Smith MD, et al Postural activity of the pelvic floor muscles is delayed during rapid arm movements in women with stress urinary incontinence. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2007 Aug;18(8):901-11. Epub 2006 Dec 1.
This study also looked at the diffence in pelvic floor muscles between continent and incontinent women during rapid arm movements.
Result #1: During rapid shoulder flexion and extension, pelvic floor EMG increased before that of the deltoid in continent women.
Result #2: During the same shoulder movemts, pelvic floor EMG increased after that of the deltoid in incontinent women (p = 0.002).
Clinical Conclusion: It appears that incontinence may place the lumbar spine at risk, due to the delay in stability.
Clinical Relevance: Whoever says that a few milliseconds of delay is “irrelevant”, may wish to talk to the women in this study. The milliseconds make the difference berween incontinence or continence, back pain or no back pain… ‘plank’ exercises and ‘the bird dog’ are inappropriate for your average 72 year old lady with back pain!!!
Posted on: July 02, 2010
Categories: SI & Pelvis