Spinal Manipulation Superior to Phsyio!
Reference:Cecchi F, et al Spinal manipulation compared with back school and with individually delivered physiotherapy for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a randomized trial with one-year follow-up. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2010; 24(1):26-36.
This Italian RCT allocated 210 patients with chronic, non-specific low back pain, into 3 groups:
1. Back school (Included group exercises, education/ ergonomics)
2. Individual physiotherapy (Included exercises, passive mobilizations and soft-tissue treatments. Sessions were for1-hour 5X/week for 3 weeks)
3. Spinal manipulation (Included only 4 to 6, 20 minute Chiropractic sessions once/week)
Study Conclusion: Spinal manipulation provided better short and long-term functional improvement, less medication use, and more pain relief in the follow-up than either back school or individual physiotherapy.
Personal Comment:Yes, some Universities will teach non-evidence-based modalities such as Short Wave Diathermy, but not spinal Manipulations …one day we will wake up!
Posted on: July 02, 2010
Categories: Lumbar Spine