STARmat: Effective Way to Monitor Progress in Chronic Ankle Instability
Reference:Hale SA, Hertel J, Olmsted-Kramer LC. The effect of a 4-week comprehensive rehabilitation program on postural control and lower extremity function in individuals with chronic ankle instability. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007 Jun;37(6):303-11.
It is well known that chronic ankle instability (CAI) is associated with performance deficits and a greater risk of ankle re-injury. But does a rehab program work for those with CAI?
The aim of this RCT was to examine the effects of a 4-week rehab program for CAI where subjects with unilateral CAI were randomly assigned to either the rehab or a control.
Those with CAI demonstrated significantly less Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) reach tasks of the involved limb compared to the uninvolved limb.
The CAI-rehab group completed 4 weeks of rehab that addressed range of motion, strength, neuromuscular control, and functional tasks.
After 4 weeks of rehab, the CAI-rehab group had greater excursion reach improvements on the involved limb than the other groups and greater improvements in functional scores.
Conclusion: A rehab program appears to improve functional and excursion reach scores. There is also evidence to suggest the SEBT may be a good functional measure to monitor change after rehab for CAI.
Posted on: May 05, 2013
Categories: Foot & Ankle , Relevant Physical Therapy Articles