It is insanity that despite the lack of evidence for its efficacy and the overwhelming evidence of the potential harms of opioids, still 40% of patients with low back or neck pain who visit their [...]
I recently wrote a paper where I summarized all the studies that fail to support the obsession with “fixing postures” as a means of helping those with spinal pain. This new 2021 study concludes [...]
For identifying neural sensitivity, I have been using and teaching upper limb neurodynamic tests (ULNT) for many years now; but are the tests reliable and valid for diagnosing cervical [...]
Tender points in the trapezius and levator scapulae muscles are common in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain. These tender points are referred to as “Trigger points” which continues to be [...]
There is no shortage of people who report of soreness and stiffness in their upper trapezius (UT) region. The automatic assumption that many clinicians make is that if it is sore and the patient [...]
Cervical strength insufficiency has been associated with neck pain and the purpose of this systematic review was to further confirm that hypothesis. This review looked at 15 cross-sectional [...]
When your patients feel dizzy during cervical extension, do you automatically panic and think it is vertebro-basilar insufficiency (VBI)? Well don’t! During my manual therapy training almost 3 [...]
Forward head posture (FHP) is common and despite claims that FHP is related to neck pain, this relation remains controversial. This systematic review looked at 15 cross-sectional studies and [...]