I know this may sound crazy, but if I was ever forced to choose just one knee exercise to prescribe, it would be self knee extensions with over-pressure in sitting. I learnt this at a McKenzie [...]
Coaches and trainers of professional athletes like to use a device called the “Vertec Vertical Jump Tester” which is a fairly accurate and reliable method of measuring vertical jump height but [...]
is no shortage of exercises to train explosive power, however I am biased towards the use of the STARmat as it promotes not just explosive power but also proprioception where the patient is [...]
There is no shortage of exercises to train proprioception for the purpose of re-injury and fall prevention. Once again, I am biased towards the use of the STARmat while patients are at the [...]
It is commonly thought among surgeons and PTs that the ACL is not able to ever heal enough to restore knee stability. Based on everything I had read on rabbit studies, clinical experience and [...]
While playing, an athlete hears a “pop” in their knee and falls to the ground. There is immediate pain and swelling and they are unable to weight bear on the leg. Due to the protective muscle [...]
There have been a number of studies looking at the long-term Quality of Life (QoL) and return to sport in those post-ACL injuries. Based on this systematic review, almost half return to their [...]
It is commonly believed that early ACL reconstruction can help prevent future meniscus injuries as a stable knee is obviously better than an unstable knee. However, the studies to date do not [...]
This prospective study showed those who had bracing and early rehab within 2 weeks of their ACL injury had superior outcomes with respect to their stability than those who received delayed rehab. [...]
Over the last several decades, the use of opioids has increased dramatically as millions of adults are prescribed long-term opioid therapy for their chronic pain. Due to their potential adverse [...]